Sunday, October 21, 2012

Hula Chair with Innovative Elliptical Motion

This chair literally vibrates you awake, according to its product description on “Wake up naturally in the morning without coffee or unhealthy energy drinks. … This modern miracle combines the best of ancient traditional Chinese medicine with 21st-century space-age technology. … Simply sit upright in the Hula Chair, press the button and let its elliptical motion work wonders on your body,”.

Hog Wild Twirling Spaghetti Fork

When twirling your spaghetti with a regular fork is simply too arduous, you can opt for this motorized twirling fork. A description of the fork on says it offers “more satisfying bites and 100% twirling fun.”

Cat Duster Slippers

Feel like your cat is, well, lying around and not doing enough around the house? Why not strap these cat duster slippers on its paws so that your kitty can help dust your floors as it strolls around. “Obviously you’ll have to ignore the fact that they lick their anus … then lick their paws, thus spreading cat anus all over your nice new floor boards,”

Potty Putter

When a simple magazine is not enough entertainment for you while doing your “business,” turn to the Potty Putter. The toy, billed as “the ultimate toilet putting surface,” is “a true innovation in getting the most out of each trip to the restroom,” says. Oh yes, you can now ace your putting game while enjoying the comfort of your own toilet.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Do Some Good in the World

It shouldn’t be all me, me, me, though. Paradoxically, one of the best ways you can help yourself is to help others. A review of more than thirty longitudinal studies carried out by the Corporation for National and Community Service found that volunteering increases your life expectancy significantly, especially if you’re doing it for purely altruistic reasons.

Grow New Body Parts

When you die, it’s often just one vital part of your body that fails, while the rest of you is in good working order. What if you could pre-grow new organs ready for when your current ones bail on you?
The technology to do this is already here. Doctors have been growing new skin for years, and have recently branched out into trickier organs such as the heart and bladder. The advantage of this technology is that the tissue is grown from the patient’s own cells, so there is no risk of rejection.

Work Hard and Be Stressed

More bad news. The Longevity Project, a study which analyzed eighty years’ worth of information, beginning in 1921, on group of 1,500 children, found some surprising information. Those children who were happy-go-lucky, carefree, and had a good sense of humor lived shorter lives than those who more serious, persistent and prudent. As adults, these people were the most involved with and committed to their jobs. So you might want to stop all that kidding around.
This confounds earlier findings that happiness and health go hand in hand. Yes, they do, but probably people are happy because they’re healthy, not the other way round.

Get Rich

Sorry, were you thinking of getting rid of all your personal possessions and living a simple life, free of the trappings of consumerism? If you want to live a long time, think again. Wealth and long, healthy living is positively correlated all around the world. Poorer countries have predictably lower life expectancies because their governments have less money to spend on health care, but even within rich countries the rich live longer than the poor.
So you may want to reconsider getting out of the rat race. The ‘haves’ really do have it better than the ‘have nots’.

Gene Therapy

Okay, this isn’t available just yet, but in 2012 scientists at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre managed to prolong the natural lifespan of mice by up to 24% through gene therapy. The good news is that the treatment was carried out on adult mice. Previously the scientists had managed to alter mouse embryo genes to confer a longer life, but treating human beings in this way is unlikely to be judged ethical.
Protip – the younger you’re treated the better. The mice treated aged one lived longer than older mice receiving the same treatment.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Get Religion

Only the good die young? Well, it’s a sad fact that whatever god(s) you believe in want to keep you on this Earth a few years longer than our atheist friends.
Many studies have shown a positive correlation between religious belief and good health. In a meta-analysis of 42 independent studies Michael E. McCullough of the National Institute for Healthcare Research found that the likelihood of mortality when participants were followed up was higher among the non-religious group.

People living on mountains live longer

People living on mountains live longer. It’s as simple as that. Whether you’re talking about long-lived communities in the US, seven out of ten of which are in high-country Colorado counties, or the tiny Sardinian mountain town of Ovodda, where as many men as women live to be 100, there can be little question that that fresh mountain air does you good.

A well-functioning brain is key to a long and happy life

A well-functioning brain is key to a long and happy life. It becomes hard to make good decisions about your health and care for your own well-being as your brain shows the effects of aging.
A number of studies have shown that the ability to speak two or more languages significantly slows the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s, two fatal diseases of old age. Dr. Fergus Craik and others of the Rotman Research Institute, Toronto, found in a study of 200 patients that those who had spoken two or more

Starve Yourself

Scientists observed as long ago as 1934 that lab rats fed near-starvation diets lived much longer than expected. This effect was confirmed by an experiment carried out by R. Weindruch and others using mice in 1986. Since then nearly every species tested has given the same result. As long as the essential nutrients are given animals live longer on a diet that keeps them hungry but alive.

Personal Servants Received Some of the Luxury

The personal servants in the Middle Ages were treated like the family dog… and that’s not a bad thing. They got to sleep in the same isolated quarters as the castle owners, which, while the rest of the castle may have been cold and dreary, was heated by a personal fireplace and definitely the warmest place in the castle. While they did sleep on the floor, they were given warm blankets. Elsewhere in the castle, residents of lower social standing slept in the towers and relied upon body heat and light bed dressings for warmth. They only wish they could be the lapdog of the nobility.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Handerpants Fingerless Gloves

If any of you want to be reminded of your butt when looking at your hands, the “Handerpants Fingerless Gloves” are the invention for you. “Try on a pair of handerpants for a cheeky way to keep warm, or wear them under a pair of gloves for an extra layer. You will definitely make a statement! Made with a soft cotton-spandex blend, just like those tightie-whities of yours,” reports.

Better Marriage Blanket (keeps that flatulence odor away!)

It sounds like a gag gift, but the Better Marriage Blanket is meant to keep you from gagging – if you’re on the receiving end of the silent-but-deadly problem it’s designed to combat – your bedmate’s flatulence. Here’s the problem though: just because you can’t smell the gas, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Wouldn’t you rather just give your lover some Gas-X?

The Youngest Person to Ever Climb Mount Everest

Jordan Romero, a 13-year-old boy from California, is officially the youngest person to ever climb Mount Everest,in a group with his father and three Sherpa guides. The previous youngest climber was Temba Tsheri of Nepal, who was 16 years old when he reached the mountain’s peak.

The World’s Shortest Man

The World’s Shortest Man - A teen from Nepal has reached new heights – as the world’s shortest man. Khagendra Thapa Magar, who turned 18 on Oct. 15, has finally been granted that coveted title by Guinness World Records.

Longest Period of Instant Messaging on a Computer Keyboard

Norman Perez, 24, of Burbank, Calif., sat at his computer for four days in an effort to set the first Guinness World Record for longest period of instant messaging on a computer keyboard. Perez typed for 96 consecutive hours and was allowed a five-minute break for every hour spent typing according to rules specified by Guinness World Records.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

American Revolution (1775-83)

No list of this nature would be complete without including the conflict that defined the fight for freedom: the American Revolution. The struggle was borne out of a dissatisfaction of the 13 British colonies established on the east coast of America with Great Britain. A lack of adequate political representation within the British government, economic disparity and oppression, a natural attitude of self-reliance, and being located several thousands of miles away (and separated by a vast ocean), all contributed to American discontent. As a

American Civil War (1861-65)

The War Between the States was the deadliest military contest in American history. This war pitted son against father and brother against brother. By the 1800s, American society found itself split into two distinct and competing regional areas: the North and the South. The main issue, if distilled down to one single factor that ignited the passions of the people to the point of civil war was slavery. The South depended on slavery as the force of labor that allowed their agricultural based economy (dependent on the growing and exporting

Lebanese Civil War (1975-90)

Civil war is just another way of saying revolution. Lebanon, for its part, is a Middle East nation that, while not militarily significant, has nevertheless been a cauldron of tension that has been a factor in the consistent unrest in the region. The 15 year civil war was a result of ethnic and religious intolerance. The history prior to the war is long and convoluted. Suffice to say, that by the 1960s, Lebanon consisted of two major blocks of people: Christians, who were the minority, yet held the government and other key military posts of authority; and the Muslims, who were the majority but were being held from assuming any authority by the Christian

The Cuban Revolution (1952-58)

The 60s were a turbulent time period for the United States. This was the heyday of the Cold War and the US had serious concerns about the communist government that had been established off its southern shores in Cuba (the Bay of Pigs incident, the Cuba missile crisis, and economic sanctions were all a result of this tension). The communist (actually, it is socialist) government of Cuba, led by Fidel Castro had its beginnings

Iranian Revolution (1978-79)

The Middle East has always been a hotbed for revolution. Iran, a consistent focus of international attention in recent years, was also headline news in the 70s. During the majority part of the 60s and 70s, Iran was ruled by Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. The Shah (or ‘the king’) initiated a sweeping set of reforms in the early 60s (Ironically, called the White Revolution) that severely limited traditional religious authority and influence in the nation. As a result of the Shah’s more secular leanings, the US lent its financial support to the regime

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Imagine not just one, but numerous universes, all existing at the same time. The multiverse (or meta-universe) is the hypothetical set of multiple possible universes (including the historical universe we consistently experience) that together comprise everything that exists and can exist: the entirety of space, time, matter, and energy as well as the physical laws and constants that describe them. But then again, there is no proof of a multiverse, so maybe our own universe is the biggest after all.

Our Universe

Estimate: 156 Billion Ly

A picture paints a thousand words, so just look at this poster and try to imagine/comprehend how big our universe is. The mind boggling figures are written below. Here is a link to the full sized image.
Earth 1.27×104 km
Sun 1.39×106 km
Solar System 2.99×1010 km or 0.0032 Ly
Solar interstellar 6.17×1014 km or 65 Ly

Biggest galaxy cluster

El Gordo is located over seven billion light years from Earth, meaning that it is being observed at a young age. According to the scientists involved in this study, this cluster of galaxies is the most massive, the hottest, and gives off the most X-rays of any known cluster at this distance or beyond.

The Milky Way

100,000-120,000 light-years in diameter - The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy 100,000-120,000 light-years in diameter containing 200-400 billion stars. It may contain at least as many planets, with an estimated 10 billion of those orbiting in the habitable zone of their parent stars.

Extreme big supermassive blackholes

21 billion sun masses - A supermassive black hole is the largest type of black hole in a galaxy, on the order of hundreds of thousands to billions of solar masses. Most, and possibly all galaxies, including the Milky Way, are believed to contain supermassive black holes at their centers. One of these newly surveyed monsters, which weighs as much as 21 billion Suns, is in an egg-shaped swirl of stars known as NGC 4889, the brightest galaxy in a sprawling cloud of thousands of galaxies about 336 million light-years away in the Coma constellation. This black hole is so big, our entire solar system would fit in about a dozen times.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Prawn cocktail

Plants are unable to move about and escape like animals, and they therefore need to be more creative in how they defend themselves. Many evolve the ability to produce, in increasing amounts, chemicals that cause irritation and stinging pain in any herbivores foolish enough to try to consume them. Although this is a powerful deterrent for most animals, there are people who actively seek out foods containing such chemicals. Allyl isothiocyanate, or mustard oil, is five times as lethal as arsenic, mass-for-mass. Although people often build up resistances to small amounts in their food, a small restaurant in Indiana, USA, sells a dish specifically designed to push a person’s tolerance to their limits. The signature dish at St. Elmo Steak House is a prawn cocktail whose spiciness comes from the 9kg of grated mustard oil-containing horseradish used to make it. The sensation of eating this dish is described as akin to being electrocuted.

They have resorted to cannibalism

At many times in history, when people are trapped and hungry, they have resorted to cannibalism: a town under siege has no option but to eat its dead in order to survive. Yet there are a few groups for whom cannibalism is the norm. However, even when not taboo, cannibalism is not always safe. Prion diseases are easily transmissible between individuals via cannibalism. These are similar to mad cow disease, and cannot be prevented by thorough cooking. Prion diseases cause the brain to deteriorate by an increasing number of tiny holes, making it appear like a sponge. Mental and physical abilities deteriorate until the victim experiences a painful and confused death. The Fore people of Papua New Guinea suffered in this way until the 1950s. They traditionally dismembered and ate relatives as part of their ritual funerals, viewing a dead person as a food source. A person infected with a prion disease would become increasingly disabled until the disease killed them, and when eaten during their funeral, would pass the disease on to others. It was seen as a curse rather than a disease, and so the Fore people took no steps to prevent infection. In this way the disease spread quickly to epidemic proportions until the local government banned cannibalism.

Contraceptives have been used by people

Contraceptives have been used by people for tens of thousands of years, and a few animals have been using their own forms of birth control for even longer. Spider monkeys eat specific plants which alter their hormone levels, giving them control over their own fertility. Alpine marmot mothers will wrestle with their newly-pregnant daughters to force an abortion if winter is approaching, since a pregnancy will not only fail in such conditions, but the pregnant marmot usually dies also. Although most modern human contraceptives are less extreme, there are those of the past which were nothing less than poison. Antimony is a toxic metalloid which causes inflammation and disruption of the heart, seizures, massive organ failure, and death. However, in small enough doses, it only causes headaches, depression, vomiting, and vertigo. In medieval Europe, people would purposefully ingest Antimony in small amounts. The dosage would cause enough trauma to the body to act as a contraceptive pill without doing any other harm except vomiting, headaches, and sometimes minor seizures. People also used it to induce vomiting so that they could eat large meals, or to cleanse their bowels. Antimony pills would pass through the entire gastrointestinal tract intact, and would be cleaned and used over and over again. A single pill would often be used by an entire family for generations.

In Scandinavia one can enjoy lutefisk

In Scandinavia one can enjoy lutefisk, which is unlike almost any other seafood dish. The fish is saturated in a highly alkaline solution of either sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. After being soaked like this for days, the alkaline solution breaks down the protein in the fish and causes it to bloat into a large, jelly-like mass. If left to soak too long, the fats of the fish can even begin to turn into soap. It then needs to be soaked in plain water for about another week so that it is safe to be eaten, as it can cause chemical burns if not treated. The final product, lutefisk, has a pH of up to 12, making it 100,000 times more alkaline than water and highly caustic. Lutefisk is so alkaline that it cannot be eaten with certain types of cutlery. Silverware will corrode, and any plates or cooking pans with residue from lutefisk left on them can become eroded and ruined overnight. Lutefisk can cause severe pain if eaten by anyone with stomach ulcers or similar gastrointestinal problems.

Cheese that has been outlawed for reasons of hygiene

On the island of Sardinia, in Italy, there is a type of local cheese that has been outlawed for reasons of hygiene. Nevertheless, it persists in the culture due to its purportedly wonderful taste. Casu marzu is cheese made from sheep milk. While it is being made, it is purposefully injected with special fly larvae. The maggots feast on the cheese, and their digestive juices cause the cheese to ferment much more than other cheeses, until it begins to decompose. When it is almost liquefied, the cheese is ready to be eaten. The maggots themselves are still in the cheese at this point, usually numbering in the thousands, and are capable of springing themselves 15cm in the air when disturbed. As a result, one can expect the maggots to fling themselves at one’s face while eating the cheese. Protective eyewear is usually worn so that the maggots do not cause permanent injury.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Octopuses are fascinating creatures

Octopuses are fascinating creatures. They are one of the most intelligent animals on the planet, and have a completely different brain and nervous system to us. Their legs are even capable of directed and independent movement even if chopped off. In South Korea, therefore, you would be wise to take caution when eating saknakji, a live octopus dish. A small octopus is dismembered, drizzled with soy sauce or sesame oil, and then eaten. The octopus typically does not have time to die before it is eaten, and each of the legs is still quite capable of movement. They have been known to try to choke diners. It is not unusual for the suckers on the legs to get caught in one’s throat, and on average there are six deaths a year in South Korea due to asphyxiation by octopus tentacles from saknakji. There have even been several cases of tentacles climbing internally from the mouth up into the nasal cavity. The danger and liveliness of this dish is said to improve its taste.

White Castle candle

Sure, White Castle smells fine when you’re starving and in need of a burger, but would you really want your entire house to smell like it? The company sure hopes so, as they’ve just released a $10 White Castle candle, which smells like one of the its “slyder” burgers. “White Castle has teamed up with Laura Slatkin, often called the “queen” of home fragrances, to introduce a candle with the steam-grilled-on-a-bed-of-onions scent of America’s first fast-food hamburger.

Most People Brushing Their Teeth Simultaneously

Most People Brushing Their Teeth Simultaneously - About 10,800 students brushed their teeth for about three minutes in an attempt to break a Guinness world record of ‘most people brushing their teeth simultaneously’ in Manila, Philippines.

Bar Sound Bubble

What a bubbleheaded idea. A college student in Scotland came up with a solution for chatty pub patrons who can’t hear their friends – the sound bubble. It’s a clear plastic helmet that covers everything but the ears and mouth from the neck up and eliminates background noise.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

24-Hour Guinness World Tattoo Record

24-Hour Guinness World Tattoo Record - Celebrity tattoo artist Kat Von D, l., and Beatrice Zaragoza attempt a 24-hour Guinness World Tattoo Record at their L.A. Ink tattoo parlon in West Hollywood, Calif. in 2007.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Wondrous Bra

You might call it the wondrous bra. Japanese urban farmers who wear the gimmicky new undergarment can grow their own rice in recyclable plastic pots that double as the cups, according to Reuters. The pots can be filled with soil and rice seedlings, and the wearer waters the rice with a hose that doubles as a belt that loops around the waist.
Why are people naturally attracted to anything that seems stupid? Well, I think this is because people love to laugh. In fact,  laughing is an extremely powerful form of self healing. We are all instantly attracted to anything we find funny. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Most Surfers on One Wave

The Most Surfers on One Wave - Surfers line up in an attempt to break the record for the most surfers on one wave at Muizenberg in Cape Town, a year later, surfers attempt to break the record again in Brazil..

Friday, September 14, 2012

Amazing Junk Sculptures by Leo Sewell

Junk artist Leo Sewell creates his ‘rubbish’ artwork from junk he collects from refuse dumps round his native Philadelphia. This piece is of a female torso. Using any discarded plastic, metal and wood, Leo selects his raw materials for their color, shape and durability.

The Largest Carol Service

The Largest Carol Service - Hundreds of people gather on the steps of the James A. Farley Post Office on Eighth Ave. in New York to attempt to break the record for the largest carol service.

The World’s Largest Tow Truck Parade

The World’s Largest Tow Truck Parade - New York towing industry attempted to break the record for world’s largest tow truck parade; more than 400 tow trucks assembled at Shea Stadium and rode to Floyd Bennett Field at Gateway National Park, spelling out New York.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Largest Kazoo Ensemble

The Largest Kazoo Ensemble - The Ladies Of Skyy, the famous ’80s ‘old school’ R&B group created the largest Kazoo band in the middle of Harlem in New York City. They signed up over 3,000 Kazoo players on 125th St. to break the Guinness World Record for the largest kazoo ensemble.

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Fastest Ice Cream Scooper

The Fastest Ice Cream Scooper - Mitch Cohen, from Flushing, Queens, became the fastest ice cream scooper in Guinness World Record history when he scooped 18 scoops in 18 cones in one minute flat.

The World’s Longest Legs

The World’s Longest Legs - Svetlana Pankratova struts her legs in a limo in Times Square – she has the world’s longest legs at 52 inches.

The World’s Largest Bouquet

 The World’s Largest Bouquet - Sri Chinmoy, a meditation teacher, accepted the world’s largest bouquet for his 73rd birthday present from Ashrita Furman in 2004.

The Most People in a Chorus Line

The Most People in a Chorus Line - About 1,700 members of the Red Hat Society members lined a Las Vegas Strip sidewalk to attempt the Guinness World Record for most people in a chorus line on Jan. 26, 2008 in Las Vegas, Nev.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The World’ s Biggest Barbecue

The World’ s Biggest Barbecue - Cooks grill beef in a 1,500-meter long broiler during ‘The World’ s Biggest Barbecue,’ an event in which 12,000 kg of beef was cooked on April 13, 2008.