Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Grow New Body Parts

When you die, it’s often just one vital part of your body that fails, while the rest of you is in good working order. What if you could pre-grow new organs ready for when your current ones bail on you?
The technology to do this is already here. Doctors have been growing new skin for years, and have recently branched out into trickier organs such as the heart and bladder. The advantage of this technology is that the tissue is grown from the patient’s own cells, so there is no risk of rejection.

The most recent breakthrough has been seen in the use of 3D printers that use computer imagery to create cell-based structures that are an exact copy and so fit perfectly in to the patient’s body.
Unfortunately it isn’t possible to grow yourself a new brain, because your current brain contains all your memories and experiences, so a new one would be more like a blank slate than the real you. But replacing other defunct organs is no longer in the realms of science fiction.

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